Sunday 11 April 2010

On the long & winding road…

Another week of training completed. I’ve started to plan the routes which I’ll run. As expected, it’s a complete nightmare to find a 13 mile route through each of the 6 towns without too much overlap.

So far I’ve made a map for the Fenton run which will the first half marathon and ran part of the route to familiarise myself with the roads and parks I’ll run through.
I expect Fenton to be the most winding route as I don’t want to end up in Stoke, Longton or Hanley so I’m limited in where I can run without creating an overlap into one of the other runs.
During the 6 runs I will be running with a Garmin GPS Forerunner and each day’s run data and mileage will be uploaded to Google maps as a means to show that I’m achieving my half marathon targets each day.

It was nice to run part of one of my official half marathon routes though. It makes it feel more real.

I comfortably hit my 30 miles target for the week and estimate that I’ve ran at least 31 miles. Next weeks target is + 35 miles with 1 long run of more then 10 miles.

It’s all going well and in 2 weeks of fund rising I’ve raised more then £400 so I’m thrilled.

Lots more mapping and running to come in the next few weeks.

The 6 Towns Runner.