Thursday, 29 April 2010

A quick update

I’ve not had much free time to blog this week but just to keep up with the training side of things my target this week is to run 45 miles.
I ran 11 on Tuesday partly with my club buddies at Trentham and I then pushed on after the club run to build up my mileage.

Tonight I ran on my own as I wanted to run part of the Tunstall run (day 3).
I missed my club mates from Trentham RC as it’s nice to know you’re not the only nutter running in the pouring rain! I fixed part of the route and put another 10 miles in the bag Officially 9.96 but I’m calling it 10…!

I was cold, wet and pretty fed up by the time I got back to the car but it’s done and I feel better for getting out and doing it.
One thing of note from running another part of one of my routes, I don’t like it when I run out of pavement and I have to run along side the traffic in the road.
as much as a third of the day 3 run is on country lanes without any pavement so I have to be really careful on these parts.

In other news, a trip to the dentist this week resulted in putting up two posters, handing out some flyers and business cards to the dentist and staff at Lyme Dental Surgery.
Yes I am now actually obsessed with publicising the 6 Towns Run anywhere and everywhere.

6 Towns Run obsessive!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Crossing a threshold

I’ve crossed the threshold this week; I’ve never run more then 35 miles in one week.

I’ve hit my miles target of 40 miles for the week and I’m very chuffed.

Though when I’m on the official big 6 runs I’ll be doing double that in a week! Gulp…!!!
It’s been a really good week and a great weekend, I feel so good and strong that it’s scary!

I need to keep controlled and not go and over do it just because I feel like a super hero doesn’t make me one. I don’t want to become over confident and pick up an injury from going to fast or doing too much.

I’m also amazed by how much I’m able to do each day. Everything seems so overwhelming and yet I’m ticking things off each day and somehow getting this event off the ground and getting my mind and body to the place it needs to be ready for the pavement pounding to come!
I’m truly testing my self like never before and I’ve never worked so hard at anything as I am for this. Its amazing what you can do when you push yourself.

I’m not going to say this is a life changing event for me as I’m still Phil and always will be but I do like what’s happening both physically and physiologically.
I’ve never had a wash board stomach before and I like the new chiselled features too 
I’m also much more confident too. So right now on this incredible journey its all win win, both for me as a person and for all the cash I raise for the children’s hospice.

Phil Izz 6 Towns running.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

All good, feeling strong.

I’m feeling really good at the moment, I had a couple of bad runs last week and that dented my confidence a little but I’ve bounced back from it; as I knew I would.
I ran 10 miles on Tuesday and 9 tonight so I’m on target to hit 40 miles by the end of the week.

I feel strong and my head is in a good place right now. It’s all going well.
I had my first foreign donation this week; well I’m classing Scotland as foreign parts! My running total (no pun intended) is past £500 now, so I’m really pleased and want to push on into 4 figures now and just keep going and going.
In other news, my reaction to seeing a plane in the sky the other day was probably way over the top. It’s not like I’m out of the 1800’s!!!
Weekend plans include running parts of the Fenton and Longton runs and finishing the route map for Tunstall and getting in a swim and of course some more running.

Good luck to all who are running in London on Sunday.
The 6 Towns Runner.

Monday, 19 April 2010

The blog of the week that was

Didn’t have much time over the last weekend to blog my latest training runs.

The big new is I hit my mark and ran between 36 and 37 miles last week, comfortably hitting me 35 miles target.
I honestly thought I may miss the week’s goal, but I got there in the end.

Also caught a wee bit of the sun over the weekend too 

No injuries to report, all feels good and I’m getting plenty of sleep at the moment. In fact I feel pretty good at the moment. Every things going well, long may that continue!

I’ll do a long run tomorrow night in conjunction with a club run at Trentham RC. Maybe 10 + miles.
Did some good strength work in the gym tonight and that’s a key part to this and I’ve neglected it recently but I need to keep on top of that.
Though my diet has always been very good I’m adding a few new items to the menu such as peanut butter and granola bars. All good stuff.

I’ve 4 weeks of hard training eating and resting now and then the taper down week and then its game on.

A bit about the weekends runs.
Saturday, 6 and a half miles around part of the Tunstall route.
Sunday, at least 8 miles around some of the Fenton run.
That brings you up to date on the running.
Much more in the coming days and weeks.

Phil 6 Towns runner – signing off…

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Another day another run around the towns

Feeling good today, my legs still have a few aches and pains but otherwise I’m fine. Ran 6 and a half miles around part of the Tunstall route today. It’s quite hilly!!!

Then its was straight into the pool for a swim, managed 20 odd lengths.
So no ice bath today as I was at the gym.

What’s with the ice baths?
The ice bath is thought to constrict blood vessels and flush waste products, like lactic acid, out of the affected tissues.
Decrease metabolic activity and slow down physiological processes.
Reduce swelling and tissue breakdown.

Then, with re-warming, the increased blood flow speeds circulation, and in turn, improves the healing process.
I will also sometime use hot cold therapy to help reduce soreness. This is where I have an ice bath and then later have a hot bath and use a heat spray too.

I need to get my ice baths colder….

I have to run about 7 more miles this weekend to hit my 35 + miles target and its been a hard slog this week, really hard at times. There’ll be tears before this is over.
I’m at the business end of the training now and the next 4 weeks will push me like I’ve never known.
This is how committed I am to making this work and raising as much money for the hospice as I can.
I’ll find out where my breaking point is over the next few weeks and then I’ll push on from there!

Nothing that’s worth doing in life is easy!
Phil – 6 Towns Running

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Everyday is about survival now

Everything hurts tonight, tight muscles in my left quad, aching right foot and toes and general fatigue in my legs and feet.
I ran 14 miles tonight, which I’m pretty pleased with, no record time and some short walks when my right foot started to hurt.

I may have over done it today but I need these longer runs to help condition the legs to take more and more. I’ve promised my body a holiday somewhere nice in June if it will stick with me for my big 6 runs! Hehe…..
I may be hurting a bit but I still have my humour!

So that’s 22 miles ran in 2 days, think I’ll have tomorrow off and let my poor body recover a bit.

At least I’d got my gloves on and a long sleeve base layer, yeah all the winter kit is back in use, this is a bloody ice age we’re living through not a prolonged winter.

On that note its time for some much needed sleep.

The (mad) 6 Towns Runner.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Bad running

Had my first bad run tonight, I guess it was inevitable but I’m sooo not amused… about 9 miles though which is pleasing.

I went down to Weston Coyney and ran part of the Longton route.
It all started so well but as soon as the sun went down so did the temperature.
By the time I got back to the car I’d lost all feelings in my fingers and was so cold I could’ve cried.
Worse still I thought I’d ran 9 miles but it was just slightly less then 8 which has annoyed me to say the least.

Oh well it all counts and that was my first run after 3 rest days.
The days off are as important as the training days as I need time to fully recover and let the fatigue in my legs ease away.
Anyhow I have a big run planned for tomorrow. So I’ll let you know how that goes.


6 Towns running….

Sunday, 11 April 2010

On the long & winding road…

Another week of training completed. I’ve started to plan the routes which I’ll run. As expected, it’s a complete nightmare to find a 13 mile route through each of the 6 towns without too much overlap.

So far I’ve made a map for the Fenton run which will the first half marathon and ran part of the route to familiarise myself with the roads and parks I’ll run through.
I expect Fenton to be the most winding route as I don’t want to end up in Stoke, Longton or Hanley so I’m limited in where I can run without creating an overlap into one of the other runs.
During the 6 runs I will be running with a Garmin GPS Forerunner and each day’s run data and mileage will be uploaded to Google maps as a means to show that I’m achieving my half marathon targets each day.

It was nice to run part of one of my official half marathon routes though. It makes it feel more real.

I comfortably hit my 30 miles target for the week and estimate that I’ve ran at least 31 miles. Next weeks target is + 35 miles with 1 long run of more then 10 miles.

It’s all going well and in 2 weeks of fund rising I’ve raised more then £400 so I’m thrilled.

Lots more mapping and running to come in the next few weeks.

The 6 Towns Runner.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Summer running had me a blast, Summer running happened so fast…

But oh those summer nights. Tell me more, tell me more….

Yep I now declare winter OVER! I had me a great run this afternoon all off road in the warm spring sunshine. Lovely!

Inspired by Keith Robins who’s approaching the finish line of The Marathon Des Sables, described as the toughest foot race on Earth. 240km across the Moroccan Sahara I decided to do a run on sand and so headed off to Parkhall country Park where the terrain is very sandy from all the sandstone in that area.
Please lend your support to what Keith is going through and follow him from this facebook link.!/keithandbrett?ref=mf

Keith is raising money for 3 local hospices.
Parkhall at Weston Coyney is an ideal cross country run as the terrain is so varied, from forest to wetlands to sandy valleys with sharp sandstone cliffs towering above.

It’s very picturesque and has put me in a great mood especially as the weather was warm.
I ran for about 1 hour 20 so I’m putting that in the log as 7 miles which is an understatement but I’ve yet to invest in a Garmin Forerunner (other brands are available) so I’ll say it’s a good 7 miles run.
The sat nav for runners (Garmin thingy) is on the list of things I will buy for the runs.

So I’ve only got to run 10 more miles this week to hit the 30 mile target.

Its all good summer running…
The 6 Towns Runner

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Its been a few good days

Lots happening right now at 6 Towns Run HQ.
Stoke-on-Trent city council are putting together a press release for the 2010K run which forms the final part of my marathon fund raiser and are keen for me to lend my support to encourage other charity runners to take part in the 2010K in Stoke on Sunday the 30th of May.
This will be great for me as it will start to generate interest in the 6 Towns Run and raise more money for the Donna Louise Childrens Hospice Trust.

I have some new T shirt designs to print next week to give further publicity to the cause.
And my fund raising total is now approaching £300 which is just brilliant.

On a training point, I’m feeling great and have so far run 13 miles this week.
I did 7 miles with Trentham RC tonight and will now plan a longer run over the next 3 days.
Best news of all I think I can put my winter running gear away until next winter now. Spring has sprung, finally!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Tuesday’s running log

I’m a bit worn out after a 5am start, a 7am spinning class and a full day in the office and then a 6 mile run along the river Trent with Trentham RC.

It’s all good and I feel rested after a couple of days off over Easter.
Got lots to do this week, I still need to fit in another 24 miles into the next 5 days.
I reckon I’ll sleep well tonight.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Keeping the momentum going

As another weeks training draws to a close I can report a good week of fund raising. My thanks go out to the drinkers of the Sneyd Arms in Sneyd Green who donated almost £80 on Good Friday, well done and thanks a million.

This money will be banked on Tuesday and then transferred to the justgiving account.

Word is spreading and the facebook page is gaining new fans everyday.

Overall I’m happy with how things are progressing; it’s now about keeping this momentum going so we can really push on and raise as much money for the hospice as humanly possible.
On a training front I’m feeling good both physically and emotionally, I say emotionally because I believe two thirds of completing this challenge are making sure I’m mentally strong.

I have an enormous amount of mental strength and discipline so I’m not concerned about this to much but I have had a few down days this week when I just didn’t want to get up and run through the cold wet weather but I did and I will next week too, and the week after that and so on until I’m standing there at the start of my first of 6 half marathons. If I’m honest I can’t wait for that first morning and to kick off the runs. I know its going to be great.

Training log stuff then; my weekly target was 25 miles. I ran 26.7 miles in 6 days. Next weeks target is set at 30 miles, 1 spinning class and at least 1 long swim plus strength work in the gym.
Tomorrow is a rest day and for the first time in a long time I’m not setting an alarm. A nice long sleep in, can’t wait.

The 6 towns runner signing off on another good week, happy Easter.

Friday, 2 April 2010

And another 9 miles collected. Couldn’t I have been a stamp collector instead?

I’m in a real miserable mood today. I forced myself out to run today.
It was a proper battle of wills to go running at 8.20am on a cold wet and wind swept Good Friday.
Well it’s done now and no I don’t feel better for doing it.
Don’t get me wrong I’m very glad I’ve gotten it out of the way. I now just have a short run to complete my miles target for the week.

I’m just so fed up of this weather, the instructions which came with me do say, and I quote the manual which I come with “Phil is designed to operate best at between 25c and 30c degrees.

Yeah I know! As a runner I should be happier to run in cooler weather then heat but come on I’m sure you’d agree that we’ve had enough of the winter now.
Taking a couple of inches of snow off the car yesterday wasn’t a good April fool’s joke.

And what really adds to today’s frustration is the fact I couldn’t get any wine gums as the corner shop was shut! Dam!!!

Anyhow I did 9 miles this morning (2nd April 10) at a slow pace as I’d not had a restful sleep last night and had no energy! My ankle felt ok in the new runners and I suspect it may be my Achilles heel which has a very slight malfunction!
So I’ll keep an eye out for that but I’m hopeful it will be ok.
21 and half miles in the bag this week, so with a short 5 mile run tomorrow I’ll have hit my miles target for the week which was 25. Its all good.

Enjoy the Easter weekend

The 6 towns runner

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Another 6 an half miles in the bag

You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face!
Another 6 and half miles in the bag
Yeah, I’ve been surfing the web for some nice quotes I can say to myself when I’m running by my self. Yes I know; I’m a very sad creature…

Had a club run around Hanchurch tonight, not too many of use today. Most must have ether been scared off by the truly dreadful weather or are away for Easter.

No Easter break for me, I’ll be up early for a 9 mile run on Good Friday. Then a short run on Saturday morning. A runner doesn’t get a lie in bed, though maybe Monday I’ll sleep in a wee bit.
All ok but I think I’ll wear my new runners tomorrow as my left ankle has been feeling a bit odd in the last few runs. I’ll see how it feels in new shoes tomorrow.
Have taken in £137 in sponsorship today so I’m pleased with that. Thanks so much, it really helps me and I know that during the runs I’ll feel good knowing that people are supporting me and willing me on through donating or sponsoring me.
Thanks again
Your 6 Towns Runner